Calhoun Choral Program Handbook:

Congratulations for choosing to be a part of the Calhoun H.S. Choral Program.

This handbook will give you some important information for becoming a successful member of the CCP. Students who are most successful in both their personal life and their music have some things in common. Those common attributes which contribute to their success are as follows:
  • They have a strong personal desire to succeed no matter how hard they have to work.
  • They are never afraid to keep trying, even if they fail the first few times.
  • They pay no attention to “peer pressure” but instead concern themselves with what they believe is a moral and beneficial course of action.
  • They show excellent personal discipline and make every attempt to do as they are instructed by their director.
  • They are involved in all of their school studies and are committed to excellence in their total life.

All I ask of you is to give me your BEST on a daily basis while in the classroom. Try, even if you make mistakes, and try not to make the same mistake a second time. Rely on yourself and not your neighbor. If you apply the principles listed above, you will be successful, both in music and in life. I care deeply about your learning and I require that you care also! I will push you to achieve your very best.

-Mr. Sanford Sardo, Director of Choral Activities, Calhoun Choral Program

I: Pencil- is required for all rehearsals. The marking of music should be made only for clarification purposes or because of instructions by Mr. Sardo.

II: Music- will be provided. Must be marked in PENCIL only. Erasable pen is NOT acceptable. Since most original music parts are impossible to replace if lost or mutilated, the loss of music would mean the loss of valuable rehearsal time. Students are responsible for the music he/she is assigned.

III: Folder- You will be required to purchase a folder (Trapper or binder-type). This folder, ONLY used for this class, will be numbered, and you will be issued a folder slot.

Tablet Option- If you would like to use your iPad (or other tablet computer) in class, PDF versions of the music are available (details will be discussed in class). In this case, you will not need physical music or a folder, however you are responsible for having your tablet in class at every rehearsal.

It is the policy of the Music Department to grade students for their achievement, musicianship, and participation.

Averages will be computed as follows:

Class Rehearsals (at 3rd, 7th, and 10th Week/ Marking Pd.)



On task for instruction and announcements
Folder/ music (marking of music)
No gum/ candy
Participation and Musical Progress

Dress Rehearsals (2nd and 4th Marking Periods only)



On task for instruction and announcements




Stage Presence

Sectional Rehearsals

100/ sect.


Concentration/ On task
Folder/ music
No gum/ candy
Musical Progress

Extra Criteria for Extra Credit...........................
(NYSSMA, NMEA, Extra-curricular involvement, Officer, Committee Chair/ Member, etc).

"Bucket 5": The district's APPR plan with NYSED now requires a 5th yearly grading component (listed on the report card as 'Final Exam'), for those classes that have Student Learning Objectives. This component is averaged with the 4 marking periods, to arrive at the final average for the course. For those courses that are 'SLOed', the Bucket 5 grade is calculated as follows: 50% is a cumulative survey of the student's work during the course of the school year (using the above criteria); and 50% is the SLO Final Performance grade, as assessed by another member of the music department (which is state policy).

I: Attendance- You cannot be an effective member of this ensemble unless you are here. Good attendance is a key factor toward your success and ultimately the success of the choir.

An evening “working dress rehearsal” will be scheduled for one or two days prior to each performance. These rehearsals are opportunities to navigate the sound and lighting equipment, and are usually open to the public. For those only choosing to perform in the winter and spring concerts, the only inconvenience is 2 evenings during the school year. Other voluntary performances (competitions, outside performances) may have additional evening rehearsals. Any evening “working dress rehearsal” will have a great deal of prior notice and are MANDATORY!!! Students who do not attend a dress rehearsal may not be permitted to perform in the concert.

In the event there is an expressed need for outside employment, hours must be arranged so as not to interfere with either rehearsals or performances.

  • You are responsible for learning ALL material taught while you are absent (including cuts, additions, notations, etc.). You may ask assistance of a section member or Mr. Sardo, BUT NOT ON REHEARSAL TIME.
  • Lateness: If you are not in your seat ready to sing when class begins, you will be marked late to class. If you are detained by a teacher or administrator, you will be asked to show a pass.
  • Illegal Absences (Cutting): Don’t do it... just don’t. In the end, it causes more trouble than it’s worth. By now, you should all be in this choir or chorale because it’s something you wanted to work to be a part of, and cutting won’t help you nor the group. Cutting will be dealt with severely on an administrative level and will be reflected in your grades. Cutting on days of performances or announced tests will result in a grade of “0”. In this case, no makeups will be given. Simply put, if you feel you need to cut this class, you probably shouldn’t be here.

II- Folders- A folder is required and is used for NEATLY storing music (no work for other subjects). Students are responsible for the upkeep of the folder he/she uses for storing music.

While practicing music at home is encouraged, folders taken home MUST return for the next day’s rehearsal. If a student shares their folder with another member and is absent from school or rehearsal, he/she is responsible for getting the folder to school. Remember that all music must be kept in good condition. Damaged or lost original music must be paid for prior to the end of the school year, or report cards may be held.

III- Sectionals- In addition to class time, lesson sectionals excuse you from another class on a rotating basis to allow you to work with a small amount of students from your section. In this way, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to “hide in the back” and coast through the year. A sectional schedule will be created during the first few weeks. Since the schedule rotates through the school day, the student would miss the same class only once every four or five weeks (The State Education Department recommends this plan as the only effective way to schedule music sectionals). Attendance at sectionals is mandatory. Skills covered in sectional include technical studies, warm-ups, sight reading, and performance literature study. Students are expected to report to their regularly scheduled class FIRST to remind their teacher of the sectional. **Note- this counts as an excused absence from your scheduled class; work needs to be made up accordingly!

When a student misses the scheduled weekly sectional, he/she misses a week of work. Any absence from a scheduled lesson must be made up. Tests, field trips and absence from school constitute a “legal” excuse.

Students studying privately are still required to attend sectionals.

Info via Twitter, Facebook, Email, and Text Message

  • The CCP has employed the use of a Twitter feed to give parents and supporters of the program up to the minute information.

All parents and students who have a Twitter account should make it a point to ‘follow’ the feed. Any parents without a twitter account should check the Twitter page regularly.
  • The CCP also makes use of the free educational service, Remind 101, to keep students informed of important information via text message. All students will be instructed on how to register to their ensemble's account during the first few rehearsals.
  • In an effort to 'go green', Mr. Sardo will be sending most of the CCP's parent/ student correspondence via email throughout the school year. Please select a link below to sign up for 'letters home' (your email address will be safe).

Parents of Concert Choir, sign up here.

Parents of Chorale, sign up here.

Parents of Crescendo, sign up here.

  • Finally, be sure to follow us on Facebook for general public news and announcements!